“Protecting and Fulfilling the Rights of the Child in the Light of Faith”


LAMPARA - October to December 2008 - Recollection Day of Youth and Kids Child Rights Advocates

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Recollection Day of Youth and Kids Child Rights Advocates

In training Child Rights Advocates, SPCC aims for a holistic formation. This entails not only capability building but also spiritual development. So, part of the annual ritual of CRA's is attending retreats and recollections to give them the opportunity to reflect on the Will of God and to renew their commitment to the mission for women and children. Adults, youths, and kids are given separate schedules to allow them enough space to express their particular dynamics.

The CRA Youths held their recollection on November 23, 2008 at the Holy Trinity Chapel in Barangay Commonwealth, Quezon City while the CRA Adults gathered for the same activity on November 29, 2008 at the House of Angels School in Barangay Holy Spirit, Quezon City. The latter location also served as venue for the recollection of the CRA Kids. The three-day activity was ably facilitated by Sr. Carolina Lapara, SDS who based her talks from the Spirituality of Stewardship which is a vital component of Basic Ecclesial Communities. As pastoral workers, CRA's play a vital role in the evangelization of people by bringing them closer to God through their service to others. They share their time, talent, and treasure (the 3 T's) in the parish for the welfare of women and children with special issues and problems.